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July 28 2016

July 28 USCIS EB-5 Stakeholder Call

July 28 USCIS EB-5 Stakeholder Call

Today USCIS held an EB-5 Stakeholder call. There was little news and some speakers were impossible to hear. USCIS said:

  • They have started Regional Center (RC) site visits and audits in Florida.
  • USCIS will give RCs a notice of audit by letter and also call to tell the RC the time of the audit.  The letter will list the documents they want to see.  Some audits will take up to a week.
  • USCIS continues to work on new regulations, including increasing the investment amount to $800,000 in a TEA and new TEA rules.  Notice of proposed new rules will be released “in the near future” according to USCIS.  That is probably code for “it will be quite a while before there are any new rules.”
  • USCIS has begun some Skype interviews of I-829 applicants on a random basis. RC representatives may appear with the investor/applicant.

I will try to get a transcript of the call to hear what was said by all the speakers and will report more if I missed anything important.

